You Can Change the World


When we listen to the news it feels like there is nothing we can do to change the world into a more healthy and loving place.  The problems seem too big for us to make a difference, but there is something we can all do to make a difference today.  Start with yourself.  What is it you can do right now to be a better person, parent, friend, or spouse? Is there some small act of kindness you could show a loved one or stranger today?  Becoming a better person means you are reading books and watching movies that encourage you to become a bit closer to your higher self – the person really are.  When we do these things it is like throwing pebbles into still water – it’s called the “ripple effect” and you never know how much your ripples can benefit the entire world.  When your conversations uplift and inspire someone else their ripples are going out to enrich and encourage as well.  Now there are three ripples going out into the universe with a loving message.  You get the idea.

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and disheartened about what is going on in the world today, and feel like there’s nothing you can do – think again.  Start by working on yourself.  No matter how nice, kind, or smart we are there is always a need to become better, and there is always a chance to show those closest to you more love.  

What will happen around your dinner table tonight?  Even if you’re eating alone, stop and give thanks to your Creator and send a small gentle ripple into the world.

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